Mission of the Standards Committee: To establish, identify and document, best practices for a set of residential standards for the University District Community Association.
Role & Responsibility of Committee members: Inform UD residents and property owners of the City of Detroit Codes, ordinances and relevant agency rules that are the basis of the Residential Standards. To receive and confirm violation reports from residents. Issue violation notices to residents when warranted. Refer violations to authorities having jurisdiction when necessary.
UDCA Mission: the University District Community Association strives to maintain and support the integrity of the neighborhood, provide communication of events and issues to its residents, promote a quality education in our local school while maintaining health, safety and happiness in a family-friendly, diverse community.
Our Location: The University District is located east of Livernois Avenue and west of and including Parkside St, between Seven Mile and McNichols.
Non-Discrimination Policy: It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Subdivisions that all property therein will be available without regard to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, color, sex or national origin.
Drug-free Zone: The University District Community has zero tolerance for drug trafficking. As a community we can assure all who traffic in drugs that they will be sought out and reported to the authorities. Drug trafficking places all residents, living in the mist of drug dealing, at risk.
Residents who observe drug traffic are asked to call police at 313-234-4000 andour radio patrol at 313-447-0003 to report such activity (anonymously if you wish). It will take this entire community to maintain a safe living environment for all of our residents
Standards Enforcement: The University District Community Association, and its successors, strives to administer and enforce the architectural integrity, safe, social and desirable community living atmosphere and ensure the real property value of the homes in this community through the collective efforts of each property owner by supporting and enforcing the standards as set forth in this document.
View the 2023 Residential Standards here