Yard Waste Disposal Reminders from Residential Standards

leaf pickup

Your Residential Standards committee would like to remind all residents about trash, recycling and yard waste pickup dates and guidelines. Putting out items only on the days they are due to be picked up helps keep our neighborhood looking tidy and beautiful!

Remaining Advanced Disposal Pickup Dates for 2017

Trash is picked up every Thursday (Except on Thanksgiving, all pickups are one day later than usual)

Trash & Recycling:

  • Friday, November 24
  • Thursday, December 7
  • Thursday, December 21

Yard Waste:

  • Saturday, November 25
  • Friday, December 8

Yard waste pickup will resume April 2018

Bulk Waste:

  • Saturday, November 25
  • Friday, December 8
  • Friday, December 22

From Advanced Disposal’s Web Page:

  • Pickup is every other week for a maximum period of 32 weeks per calendar year. Schedule is determined by the City. 
  • Yard waste must be placed curbside the night before collection day, or prior to 7 a.m. on the scheduled day of collection. 
  • Must be bagged in biodegradable bags or bundles – NO PLASTIC BAGS.
  • No larger than 4’ in length and 2” in diameter.
  • Items accepted for pickup include: vegetative matter resulting from landscaping maintenance, including leaves, grass clippings, bundle tree branches, and Christmas trees not containing any material amount of non-organic material.
  • Christmas tree pickup is the first week in January. 
  • Items NOT accepted: large tree debris, stumps