UDCA March Board Meeting Minutes

Neighbors, in the interest of transparency to our members the UDCA Board has decided to post its monthly meeting minutes to the UDCA website.

Each month, a link to the minutes will be posted to the community’s blog. Please note: Each month’s minutes are approved at the following board meeting. The March minutes will be finalized/approved in April by the UDCA board. The minutes are currently unapproved. Please email secretary@udca.info if you have any questions. Here are a few highlights from the meeting:

  • Gesu’s 100th anniversary will be July 30, 2022
  • Important dates shared Councilman McCallister:
  1. March 5 – Budget address by Mayor
  2. March 9 – State of City
  3. March 25th – combined Millennial and medical agenda
  • Will be looking into a socially distanced/masked Easter egg hunt for the kids
  • 2021 Membership dues are now being collected – log in or create an account to pay your dues online today!

Read full minutes here!