Neighbors, in the interest of transparency to our members the UDCA Board has decided to post its monthly meeting minutes to the UDCA website.
Each month, a link to the minutes will be posted to the community’s blog. Please note: Each month’s minutes are approved at the following board meeting. The January minutes will be finalized/approved in February by the UDCA board. The minutes are currently unapproved. Please email if you have any questions. Here are a few highlights from the meeting:
- Per Councilmember McCallister – January 20 – Motown Museum is having an event – “Marvin Gaye, What’s Goin’ On Day”. In process of changing W. Outer Drive @ Livernois into Marvin Gaye Drive.
- 2021 executive team was elected. Congrats to: Roger Short (President), Amber Hunt (Vice President), Michael Carmona (Treasurer), Neil Tambe (Secretary), and Curtis Smith (Block Captain Chair)
- 2021 Membership dues are now being collected – log in or create an account to pay your dues online today!