The University District has not yet been designated as a Special Assessment District.
As a reminder, a committee has been working on getting petitions signed that would establish the University District as a “special assessment district,” requiring homeowners in approved districts to pay extra for enhanced security, snow removal or mosquito abatement. If approved, the tax would add approximately $175 annual to each parcel’s tax bill and would cover 24-hour security, curb-to-curb snow removal and mosquito abatement tablets (versus spray) to be used in the neighborhood.
Here’s an update on the latest status:
Approximately sixty percent of our neighbors signed a petition over the last two summers requesting the SAD designation. The petition was submitted to the council last fall. The City Council was set to vote on the SAD designation at their June 19, 2019 meeting.
The petition was withdrawn from that agenda by the City Assessor because the petitions the Assessor provided to the UDCA were not valid. New petitions will be circulated for signature and submitted to Council this fall.
If Council acts in time, the $175 assessment will be added to our January 2020 (winter) tax bills. Once SAD is approved, our eight hour/day subscriber patrol will be expanded to 24 hours, seven days a week and will serve all UD residents.
What to do before Jan. 2020
- Join our subscriber security patrol. This service is paid for by residents and needs continued funding to operate through the end of year.
- Re-sign the petition if you are in support of the Special Assessment District. All residents who are in favor of this designation need to re-sign the petition. Volunteers will be canvassing the neighborhood in the near future, and there will be pop-up events happening through the rest of the year to give an opportunity to sign. The next pop-up signing opportunity is:
Saturday, August 24 from 11am-1pm at the Radio Patrol office in Gesu Community Center, 17180 Oak Drive.
Enter through the second door on the parking lot side of the building (south side).