Join us every First Friday from 4pm – 8pm as the neighborhoods descend upon Livernois Avenue bringing our insatiable appetites for food, fashion, and fun. More than a dozen locations — including art galleries, retail shops, restaurants and bars, coffee shops and more — participate in this small business hop, which every month offers something new and surprising.
We encourage all residents to choose to walk or bike! Get a group together from your block and explore the streets of your community by foot or bike. And check out this article from the Detour Detroit newsletter to find out why this event is so critical and important.
To prepare for your stroll and shopping experience, check out the map of all participating businesses below, download your own version of the map, or view this list of businesses compiled by the City of Detroit Government Neighborhoods program.
Add to all this the exciting changes to the Avenue of Fashion including extended sidewalks, protected bike lanes, outdoor art, and landscape beautification to make this corridor THE destination for visitors and residents alike. Follow First Friday on Livernois on Facebook for event highlights, photos, the latest news and more. And RSVP to our August event on Facebook and please share with your friends!
This is a joint effort between residents and business owners to support our business corridor during the Livernois Ave. construction project and beyond. First Friday is presented by IBA Detroit, Avenue of Fashion Business Association, University District Community Association.