2024 was a good year of rebuilding and reconnecting with neighbors. Throughout the year, the UDCA Membership Committee reached out to current and lapsed members, and emphasized the flexibility that we now have to ask households to join and renew when it’s convenient for them. So, residents can join when it works for their time and budget, and enjoy knowing that their money is going to help support efforts to connect with neighbors, keep the neighborhood looking good, and hold events that bring us all together, such as Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Picnic and Harvest Fest.
The Membership Committee will be reaching out to residents, to make you aware of opportunities to build community among us, and to ask for your engagement and support. Also to welcome new residents and help them integrate into our community.
The funds raised via donations of UDCA Membership Dues provide the bulk of the funding that we use to hold meetings and events, and to produce newsletters, flyers, and mailings that help to engage residents in to enjoy the quality of life in the neighborhood. Thank you for your support!